Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I never get off my keister at work

So if you know me through probably also know that I rarely ever get off my keister at work to go out to lunch, go downstairs to the gym, etc. etc. My DearSweetBoss has to kick me out on days when I tell her that I MUST run errands (bank, etc - Thank you DearSweetBoss).

So I am sure you can guess that I DID NOT go to the gym here at work yesterday. Since I had to get my 1 mile in (30 Day Challenge - hello...) that I couldn't do at the gym yesterday morning because I forgot my shoes (I could devote an entire blog to stories about things I forget, or lose or break)...I once again loaded L'ilChubbyMan into the stroller and took off with Firecracker on the bike. We did 2 laps around the neighborhood, which equates to 1 1/2 miles. I think I am lucky to have gotten that in, since about 1/4 mile in the Firecracker had a bike accident. He however put on his tough guy act after plenty of crying (the "dent" on his shin looked very painful I must admit) and determined that he would push on and oh "It doesn't even really hurt Mom!" Yay for my tough guy Firecracker.

This morning I did a 6 mile run around my neighborhood. It was gorgeous out and it was a good run. But 2 things came out of this - (1) I am updating my playlists today because I must have new music (2) MUST FIND GIRLFRIENDS to run with. Since I am out at 5-ish AM. I stay in my neighborhood - safety rules. You can imagine this gets a little boring as the laps pile up (especially when my playlists need updating). So...I have a goal of finding some dedicated runner friends that want to run at 5ish AM.

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